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Mr. Normal
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Post by millipede »

Have you seen any online yet? There's a big list of normal every day web bots/spiders that are allowed to hit the forum and they are in a way considered registered on the site. This is so that when they're browsing the forum it shows up as a bot and not as a bunch of guests. This makes it so you don't get inaccurate stats on how many guests might be on at one time.

Anyway, if you see any of these bots listed as being online, don't worry.
The googlebot is just google crawling the site. It could be crawling the site just to update its database, or it could be when someone's doing a google search or something.
The googleadsense bot is how google scans the site to make sure it places ads that make sense.
That's just a couple of all the registered bots...

Just in case you wondered what they were...

"But ask now the beasts, and they shall teach thee; and the fowls of the air, and they shall tell thee:"
- Job 12:7
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Re: Bots?

Post by C_B »

I just saw them and couldnt figure out what it was there for... haha... Thanks!
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Mr. Normal
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Re: Bots?

Post by millipede »

yeah, they look weird. It's handy for administrators to know whether it's a bot or a real person though, so that's why they have them show up like that. Looks weird, but it's a nice feature.
"But ask now the beasts, and they shall teach thee; and the fowls of the air, and they shall tell thee:"
- Job 12:7