Anyway, this site is an important part of my life. It means a LOT to me. I'm not ready to give up on it and just let it disappear. But things are more difficult than normal lately and I am not sure I'll be able to make the next payment. I basically pay $29 every 3 months for hosting. I also pay $9.99 or something once a year for the domain registration. Our next payment for hosting is coming up on August 7th. I am not sure I'll be able to make that payment for a variety of reasons. This is depressing in a time of great struggle for me.
I am asking that you all pray for me and for the future of this website. Do not underestimate the power of prayer. This is the greatest thing you can do for me.
Another way you can help is to sign up and participate in the forums here. If I can get this site active and people participating regularly, the site will start to generate money and possibly even enough to support itself. That would be AWESOME.

Lastly, donations are more than welcome. I realize that many of you cannot and many may not have any interest... That's okay. I understand. But if you're willing, able, and interested, feel free to make a donation to the site. There is a donate button on the >>Donate<< page for this site.