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Mr. Normal
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Post by millipede »

The weather has been on the news a lot lately and I think it is something we all need to keep in our prayers.
There have been a lot of tornadoes and a lot of flooding this year.
Big tornado in Joplin, Missouri destroyed about 1/4 of the town.
Last night there was a tornado in Arkansas that destroyed a little town.
Two days ago, during some heavy rains, a car was likely washed away right down the road from where I live. There were two ladies and two young children in the car. There was a rescue helicopter flying all around my neighborhood, mostly at the river, looking most of the day yesterday.

I am sure there are more stories just like this going on right now.
Please pray for all those in danger right now and for those dealing with losses.

"But ask now the beasts, and they shall teach thee; and the fowls of the air, and they shall tell thee:"
- Job 12:7
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Joined: Tue Nov 02, 2010 7:30 pm

Re: Weather

Post by jsebean »

aweful what's been going on will be in our prayers here.