tick bite

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tick bite

Post by millipede »

Well, I really don't think it's anything to worry about... but, it wouldn't hurt to pray about it anyway.

We have WAY too many ticks around here and this year is looking to be quite horrible. We can't go outside without seeing them, and they occasionally find their way in the house...

Anyway, I've had a few bites already... One of them was looking kind of gross a few days back and I was just a little worried about it. So I got to looking things up online and got a slightly better understanding of them.
With lyme disease, the redness around the bite usually spreads, and as it spreads the redness near the middle starts to fade which then leaves a rash that looks kind of like a bulls-eye.
Well... the redness around mine was about the size of a nickel, and never spread. But tonight, at the moment it Almost looks kind of like a bulls-eye... The entire thing is fading... and looking better... but, I'm going to pray for it myself... Never hurts. :D
Besides... we don't have health insurance for starters... and, lyme disease can't really be diagnosed accurately for up to a month after the initial bite. So, if at some point in the next month or so I start feeling flu-like symptoms I might want to worry more. Until then I'll just pray everything is okay.

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Re: tick bite

Post by Nicki »

we've had ticks bad this year too...I'll pray for ya
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