world catastrophes

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world catastrophes

Post by millipede »

Well, unless you don't read or watch ANY news, you've probably heard about some of the stuff that's going on around the world.
In Myanmar they are saying the death toll is around 62,000 and could go higher. This is from cyclone(hurricane) that hit the area. Much of the land was flooded.
The people that are sort of running the country there haven't been doing a great job of letting aid into the country. At first they wouldn't let anyone in. Then they started to allow SOME supplies to come in. BUT... as the supplies came in they were putting the names of generals on the packages and telling the people that the relief was from those generals. Sort of an election campaigning. All lies. :roll:
The death toll is expected to rise as they find more people and, since aid is slow I am sure they'll have issues with clean water and diseases.

Then over in China, they recently had an earthquake that measured 7.9 . Right now they're estimating 12,000 dead and more missing. China has better experience with such hardships so the major relief aid organizations are focusing most of their efforts on Myanmar.

Anyway... This all needs our prayer.

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Re: world catastrophes

Post by Nicki »

Yeah, there are so many things going on in the world right now!! It's like *bam, bam, BAM*. And it says in the Bible that these sorts of things are going to take's just scary having to live in all this chaos.
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Re: world catastrophes

Post by millipede »

yeah, I suspect we'll see plenty more natural disasters occurring.
We need to continue to pray for both countries. I haven't read an update on Myanmar lately but with how things were, I am certain it will be quite a while before they have anything straightened out there.
And China, things aren't over yet. They're still, a week later, finding people both dead and alive. Amazing that there's still people alive.
And they've had a few aftershocks, including one with a magnitude of 5.7.
A few really small villages were buried when some mountains collapsed during the original earthquake. And a couple of rivers kind of got blocked and are now threatening to flood some other areas, so people are fleeing. Some areas have not received any aid from their government yet.
You know, a lot of people were upset with the response to Katrina here... it's worse in other countries and as much as we can sit here and judge the situations... it's never easy for anyone that is in the position to deal with such situations. Obviously in some situations like Myanmar, it's a corrupt government that really just messes everything up. But you can see a slow response even in the biggest countries in the world. It's never easy to respond to such things when you're not really expecting and ready for them.
Let's hope they get better at responding to stuff like this though...

Anyway... Keep praying for these countries. They need it bad.
"But ask now the beasts, and they shall teach thee; and the fowls of the air, and they shall tell thee:"
- Job 12:7