SOA Ministry

This section will be for anyone that is actively involved in missions to give updates on what they're doing.
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SOA Ministry

Post by birdman »

Well I don't see any start new topic button so I will start with the subject. If we are saved and a child of the Living God our first purpose is to share the Gospel Message with others. Our second purpose should be to serve others and not to be served, As children of the King we all should have servants hearts, and not be lord and masters to others.

My Ministry (Mission) is to the biker community, and to all that I meet on the road. My other Ministry is right here on the internet. I run a webserver here in my house for the Christian Motorcycle Club ( that I started back in 1992. We have over 9000+ web pages and counting, and we created and host sites for other Ministries too. If we find something that might be of interest or a help to a Christian or a Ministry we add it in. This has turned out to be a full time job, at least it seems it.

We had to put this aside for now, but it is up and running Hopefully later in the year I will be adding a lot more music and hopefully some live programming. I think that part God will have to help me out big time.

I also write a monthly column for a motorcycle newspaper and a Christian Bike Magazine and it looks like I'll be writing for another one too on a regular basis. If you don't have a computer Bible program visit our site at and download a free one. God Bless you, Birdman

Serve God no matter what!

June 8, 1946 - February 22, 2014
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Re: SOA Ministry

Post by millipede »

Thanks for sharing that.
I've visited lots of sites on that server, and for anyone that might be thinking you wouldn't find anything of interest to yourself on a motorcycle's club's website, think again. There's enough Great resources there to make your head spin. Definitely worth a look. A lot of great guys involved in that ministry. God is doing great things through them.
"But ask now the beasts, and they shall teach thee; and the fowls of the air, and they shall tell thee:"
- Job 12:7