I do know it's from 1999 though because I was taking an art class back then and I recently found it in one of my sketch books after my kids dragged them out of the other room. I had forgotten all about it.
darkness... by Daniel Mason ©1999
Anguish fills the silence
and terror fills my soul.
I sit and weep in sorrow
as despair now takes it's toll.
The emptiness before me
and the wretch I left behind...
the things I say "used to be"
still seem to plague my mind...
flee from me oh evil one
flee from me I pray...
Peace I seek yet it's not there,
and so beings each day.
I imagine I wrote this on a day I was not feeling to joyful. Truth is, I've struggled with depression my entire life and there are still(all these years later) too many days that I feel like this.